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is a town filled with art banners.
celebrating the courage to LOVE.

Heart Stream

                            From ONE person it extends to us ALL


This is an absolutely critical time for humanity.   Can we recognize that we are one people, responsible for our one planet? Can we send a shining message to the world to speak past politics, past personalities, nationalities and religions?


Can we use our voice. our HEARTS, our ART to honor the desire that all of humanity shares -- to love and be loved?


It takes courage to love ourselves enough to open our hearts. When we find the courage to collectively open our hearts, we create an exponential wave of love

What an extraordinary transformation we have the power
to give by simply deciding we have the power to give it.


The symbol of a heart is recognized across our entire planet and it beautifully speaks a common language to all people from all places.  We are collecting a wide diversity of local artists to share their work, weaving the theme of hearts as a common thread. 


We want to build an experience of celebrating the love we would all love to feel.  Collect a tribute to kindness, care, joy, inspiration and strength.  The value of art is that it is a visual voice to speak beyond boundaries,

                         offering visions of the grace we share as humans

                         who are determined to have the courage to love. 


                We are planting a SEED and YOU are welcome to join.

We are coordinating with the downtown to exhibit our banners, like the 2 above, but imagine ART spreading across the whole town.  A wave of boldness and joy in camaraderie.  We have a fantastic collection of bright, durable, easy to hang banners available.  YOU can join the PARTY and .  



 Or your business, your barn, school, place you pray, the front fence or the garage door.


This is an opportunity to reach inside your home where you hold the love and kindness

that you want for your family and yourself, and bring that precious feeling outside to the world. 




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It is indeed a courageous act these days

      to openly declare the love we want to give to the world.  

It is also courageous to open our minds to new information that challenges the held beliefs of our limits.  Our ideas that we associate with our hearts can expand immensely when we learn that----


Our Hearts are so much more than just pumps



New science has shown that we are All more intimately connected


through our heart's magnetic fields than we ever imagined.


The breakthroughs in that science have absolutely changed the understanding of our heart's functions.

Below is just a tiny sliver of that heart science.  If you'd like to learn more go here. 


Did you know that our hearts are 100 times stronger electrically and up to 5 thousand times magnetically stronger than our brains?  That means that that electromagnetic field influences others around us far greater than we think.  Have we been asleep to how powerful our hearts can be?


Or..How about,  Did you know that our hearts contain over 40 thousand neurons, otherwise known as brain cells, which means our hearts function essentially as a second brain that learns? Then, that communication from our hearts to our brains far exceeds our brains signals to our hearts.


Though it has long been felt that our emotions are centered in our hearts, science has found that it is absolutely true that our emotions have a total influence on our hearts function and therefore our bodies.   Our hearts make and secrete hormones and neurotransmitters, and signal our brains what chemistry to release to our bodies in direct correspondence to the types of emotions we feel.  


It is now certain that positive emotions create a whole range of beneficial physiological effects.  Coupled with the amazing fact that our emotional energy extends beyond our bodies into the electromagnetic field


                                          Can we take that knowledge

                   and put the courage to love to powerful creative use?



It's all about alignment!


That train stacking, laser building, hundreds of horses in a little car engine ALIGNMENT, that makes the power explode. Like a laser, which is actually just a whole bunch of easy going light beams put together, alignment becomes an immense force.


There is an alignment of consciousness rising in the world today that is entering a massive paradigm shift.  


                           Unity on all levels is it's fundamental principle. 


                                         Now to say all that with ART


The theme of hearts was chosen so that it speaks to all people from all places, but our task is to lift our hearts with the ART.  Not all of the ART will emphasize hearts or even include them.  Below you'll find the core themes of love we all share which we would love 


                                   to light up THE HEART OF BARABOO .


Within All Life

Love is expressed in infinite ways by the vast diversity of our humanness, but there are 3 themes in particular that we absolutely hold in common.

These 3 are not only universal to our experience of love, they are crucial to creating a world we would love to live in. 


#1 We are a self.  Our relationship with ourself determines the relationship we have with everything.  The courage to love ourselves is the foundation for a world to know LOVE.  Art that celebrates our elemental spirit to live healthy, creative and free is the powerful gift we want to instill.


#2. We love our creations and the ones we literally biologically hold the dearest are our children.  They are the inheritors of the world we make.  Nurturing them with enormous love so that their minds and hearts are open, broad, and imaginative, delivers them to be magnificent creators of the world to come.  Art that celebrates children, (and the child inside all of us that needs our compassionate care) is the encouragement we want to support.


#3 The nature of the planet we call home needs our love more than ever before.  It is built into our nature to love its beauty, its wildness, its fantastic ability to thrive.  Looking past the multitude of distractions we have manufactured as a society we can find that precious core of the Earth inside us.  Art that celebrates nature as our own nature.  That reunites us with the energy for our stewardship is the impact we want to deliver.


Our Nature, our Creations, our Selves are given Life, Joy and Freedom when we let our HEARTS be filled with them.  The ART we will share in the HEART OF BARABOO will celebrate our willingness to courageously embrace our Whole Being.


Can we discover the UNITY inside us and vividly see 


Bringing art outside so that it speaks to everybody


feels like a joyful way


to be a spark of inspiration,


for the act of courage it takes to stand in love 



Would YOU like to




Thank you so very much.


Ray McDaniel

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